I have been thinking about what it means to try and work with networked cameras as a material, whether as part of critical infrastructure studies, or as a now well established aesthetic.
“Brittlestars are not merely tools that we can use to teach us about biomimesis and enhanced communication networks. Brittlestars are living testimony to the inseparability of knowing, being, and doing.” – Karen Barad
“In Tijuana the participants took part in the live projection for the first time, thanks to a special head-mounted device comprising a camera, a microphone, and a portable transmitter. Blown-up to huge dimensions, the ‘live’ faces of six women and their amplified voices, speaking of issues that had until now been mostly taboo, meant the projection spectacularly claimed the city’s public space.” – https://www.krzysztofwodiczko.com/public-projections#/new-gallery-79/
“Although Luksch makes movies with CCTV, her methods are different from the sniffers’. For a decade, it has been anybody’s right to demand footage of themselves taken from CCTV cameras. Over a four-year period, Luksch has spent hours performing on the London streets beneath the glare of CCTV cameras and then going through the protracted process of making formal requests to retrieve the images from the cameras’ owners.” – https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2008/apr/25/3 & https://we-make-money-not-art.com/in_linz_several/
“Inspired by the classic 60-page piece of experimental literature from Georges Perec, ‘An Attempt at Exhausting a Place in Paris’, written from a bench over three days in 1974. ‘Exhausting a Crowd’ will automate the task of completely describing the events of 12 hours in a busy public space.” – https://github.com/kylemcdonald/ExhaustingACrowd
“1 out of 10 women were targeted for ‘voyeuristic’ reasons by male camera operators, and a Brooklyn police sergeant blew the whistle on several of her colleagues in 1998 for ‘taking pictures of civilian women in the area … from breast shots to the backside’.” – IAA, iSee and The Myth of Privacy Vs. Security & https://www.wired.com/2001/11/routes-of-least-surveillance/ & https://noemalab.eu/memo/isee-paths-of-least-surveillance/
“As soon as an image is projected, it’s discarded.” – https://www.wired.com/2013/05/the-pirate-cinema-p2p-art/ & https://www.aksioma.org/pirate.cinema/
“Instead of having a conversation about services, prices, and condom use while still on the street, he’ll ask you to hop into his car and have that conversation while you’re already speeding away. Because you need to keep his custom in order to get the money you need, you say yes.” – Revolting Prostitutes, Juno Mac & Molly Smith
— Ben Dalton