Who do we need to hold accountable? And, meanwhile, what critical infrastructures are important to us – our communication networks, mutual aid, playgrounds, energy systems, childcare – that we need to build and sustain?

A map to regulate all the cameras out there already concealed in doorbells that are constantly streaming and archiving background film of children going to school. How can body-worn and smart-architecture networked cameras be kept out of children’s lives?

A system of vigils at the gates of the factories that make authoritarian state apparatuses. Who makes these things?

Contestational design – come together to witness, “from Latin contestari ‘call upon to witness, initiate (by calling witnesses)’, from con- ‘together’ + testare ‘to witness’”.

“By contestational design, I refer to design activities that engage in advocacy work in collaboration with and/or on behalf particular players in adversarial political processes. Contestational design is distinct from design activities that merely seek to raise awareness of or provide opportunities for discussion about political issues; it is an openly partisan activity that advances a particular set of interests, often at the expense of another.” – Contestational Design, Tad Hirsch

Are ‘open’ or ‘commons’ networked camera systems hand-held rather than wall-mounted?

Sarah Everard vigil in Clapham Common. women shine their camera lights at police blocking the vigil.

“Jill Gibbon visits arms fairs in Europe and the Middle East by dressing up as an arms trader with a suit, plastic pearls, and a fake company. Her pretence is a metaphor for the façade of respectability in the industry. Once inside she draws, and collects complementary gifts from the stalls – stress balls in the shape of bombs and grenades, toy tanks, sweets and condoms with marketing slogans.” –

pages from Dr Jill Gibbon's sketch books of people in arms fairs

computer visualisation of tower block overlooking road with view of witness camera from

A hello world how to play an rtsp or mjpg in a simple java Processing sketch:


Movie movie;

void setup() {
  size(1024, 512);
  Movie.supportedProtocols[0] = "rtsp";
  movie = new Movie(this, "rtsp://");

  //Movie.supportedProtocols[0] = "http";
  //movie = new Movie(this, "");;

void movieEvent(Movie m) {;

void draw() {
  image(movie, 0, 0, width, height);

“In 2013, I went on twenty dates with people I met on an online dating site called OkCupid. I used my phone to stream these dates to the Internet. I paid remote workers on a site called Amazon Mechanical Turk to watch, interpret what was happening, and direct me what to do or say next.” – Lauren Lee McCarthy

screenshot of Lauren McCarthy's web site of her sat in a bar on a date talking with someone with a pixelated face.

“IP cameras: farm … The world biggest directory of online surveillance security cameras.”

police body camera video footage from the capitol riot, appearing to show the bodycam wearer intentionally pushing the riot helmet off the person in police uniform in front of them.

“They are blocked from the transformative power of production, because they are stuck by their own access to power” –

“[I am] blocked from the transformative power of production, because [I am] stuck by [my] own access to power”

— Ben Dalton