A trip to Piel Island – I’m thinking about blurred edges, the sea fading into the sky. These sorts of places always make me think about scale, in the vastness of these landscapes I get an overwhelming sense of the sublime and begin to think about infinity.
https://aiohealthpro.com/8wk6kdu3dhttps://www.clawscustomboxes.com/oebylnqm9 It produces an almost terrifying sense of calm in me – I’m sure I’m not the only one judging by the number of people wandering about alone and staring out into the sea.
Online Xanax SalesI was hooked up to Gemma’s EEG headset this morning – it was a strange but genuinely delightful thing to make the little onscreen cube move by just thinking and watch the lines of my brainwaves on the screen (plus I got to wear the awesome sci-fi looking hat) We are now discussing different ways to try and make me uncomfortable when I’m working to see what that does to the readings…
https://udaan.org/es3wwr7u.phpI also had a great conversation with Radamés about creating digital models of the thread networks for the boxes – the maths boggles the mind slightly but I think with his help we can come up with something and in return, I’m giving him a sewing lesson.
https://nedediciones.com/uncategorized/nqpljgq3rctI’m thinking about what lies beyond the surface, extending and connecting points.