under glass
Day 4: Visited the site of the Wilberforce Centre today. Couldn’t really hear a lot of what the site manager was saying because of the ambient noise. So spent the time aimlessly looking around at the interesting geometry of the metal skeleton of the building, and at some of the dilapidated buildings that surround the site. I know the building of this Centre is socially beneficial and will hopefully bring about an improvement in many people’s lives, but I felt sad... Read More
Birds Eye
My ideas have begun to take shape today, and i’m really excited about the many possibilities of interactive film. With help from (techie) Ben I wrote a code using the Processing software, for an eye which blinks when you poke it. This piece references ideas surrounding the relationship between touching and feeling – even though another person isn’t directly effected by the touch action of the viewer (thankfully), the piece suggests that there is some human connection... Read More
Day 4: What have you done today?
Today we began with a tour of the Wilberforce Health Centre, where we spotted the slogan “What have you done today that was world class?” in the staff sign-in area. Something to keep in mind when writing these blog summaries I think… Back in the lab I decided to continue with the scratch card project. I scratched-off and filmed the remainder of the six scratch cards I bought on Tuesday. I did not win a single prize, not even £1. But now at least I have footage of loosing... Read More
This unique “digital media lab” experience of being surrounded by so many different and talented artists and seeing their approaches and experiments – which are quite different from my own – has been so immersive that even my semi-waking dreams this morning featured touch screens! Concepts “touch” and “screen” have really permeated my thinking and all of a sudden a flood of ideas are bouncing around in my head and competing for... Read More
Bridge over troubled water
this is my post for yesterday it was a good morning, bloggin, getting things sorted and talking to ben about how to do an animation project that i wanted to to after the DMlabs is over. Started playing with code in processing, which was fascinating and made me realise that code is lots of small bits of code that can be bolted together. i got really really excited. but then….. herrrr nothing worked. I wanted to try out the two ideas i had had the day before, daisy world rip... Read More
wednesday i think !
So me and the touch screen talked it over…. and we have sorted out our differences… whew so at 7am i woke from a dream to discover an idea and process to get me through the week…. pen was put to paper and little black marks appeared on many sheets of paper fueled with sweet coffee. so my mini china syndrome was averted and normal service was resumed. and to end it was display time for a number of quicktime windows Read More
Busy day ahead
After a brief but visually inspiring site visit, we’re now about to get stuck into a day of production. I’m nervously eyeing the mountain of coding that lies between me and the completion of a piece of work, and trying to come up with a fast-turnaround Plan B for if the mountain turns out to be insurmountable. Off we go. Read More
Day 03
More personal work in the morning, then Pete Ayers came to talk to the group about intellectual property issues in the arts and discuss models of sustainability and revenue generation. Some of the interesting topics raised: Different ways of magnetising content / artwork. (Or, how to get stuff funded). British Library has a great reference for intellectual property issues Copyright is free, patents are expensive. Source code is ‘creative works’ – thus copyrightable.... Read More
Through the Black Cloud
I was feeling overwhelmed and confused yesterday. Hoping to pull back some clarity today, working on simple experiments to develop more complex ideas. The image below is taken from an interactive film I am working on. Read More
idea safari
SCOTT SNIBBE Uploaded by artrock_festival. – Watch original web videos. Day 3: I feel a bit better about things today. Had a clarifying and enthusing talk with Benedict about the project. Think it helped me relax quite a bit, hope that doesn’t prove to be a bad thing. He also suggested a good idea that I’d like to pursue further, which involved interactive characters in a non-linear story. Touching the characters would effect their mood or change their personalty. I... Read More