It looks like this
Compared to working alone, a shared medialab has the huge advantage of having other people around who know something about code, and can cast a spare pair of eyes across the work you have been doing. After a heavy day’s wrangling yesterday, Ben Dalton kindly looked over my code and has been helping me make it more streamlined and functional. Some small changes fixed a few... Read More
Busy day ahead
After a brief but visually inspiring site visit, we’re now about to get stuck into a day of production. I’m nervously eyeing the mountain of coding that lies between me and the completion of a piece of work, and trying to come up with a fast-turnaround Plan B for if the mountain turns out to be insurmountable. Off we go. Read More
After spending a pleasant early morning in a car park with a camera, I now have some workable footage to play with. It’s not perfect (no tripod) but it should provide the basis for the construction of something. I spent the productive part of today developing a Processing sketch that is now converting each of the 2216 frames of my video footage into 144 sections. Writing... Read More
Work in progress in progress
Today’s technical sessions were designed to make us aware of the possibilities of the various technologies that can be used to author works for the touchscreens. I’m already quite good friends with Processing, and am on speaking terms with Quartz Composer. Flash, however, has never been particularly pleasant company and while I’ve heard interesting things about... Read More
Workshop day one
Today’s activities were mainly directed towards the production of some fast prototypes using Prezi and testing them on the touchscreens. It was really interesting to get a sense of the different approaches taken by different members of the group, and to see that all of us met the limitations of Prezi fairly quickly. Some of its functions map onto gestures fairly straightforwardly... Read More
Michael Day
“My practice is interdisciplinary and uses a wide range of media and technologies, including digital media, sound, installation, electronics and photography. Often, my practice positions itself between new media art and fine art, opening a conversation between two similar but often divergent approaches. My work is characterised by a visual economy and sense of displaced distance... Read More