Day 03
More personal work in the morning, then Pete Ayers came to talk to the group about intellectual property issues in the arts and discuss models of sustainability and revenue generation. Some of the interesting topics raised: Different ways of magnetising content / artwork. (Or, how to get stuff funded). British Library has a great reference for intellectual property issues Copyright... Read More
Day 02
Hull digital Media Labs Day 02 This morning started with Ben Dalton and Dave Lynch showing the group some more programs that can be used to create interactive content. Ben went through Processing in a little more detail than most of the artists had touched on on day one, and also introduced Quatrz Composer – a Mac based object oriented environment that can quite quickly make... Read More
Day 01
Day 01 was our first day of starting work with the touch screens – we set up camp in the Hull College of Art and Design and after a bit of faffing about with technical things such as internet connections and coffee provisions we settled down to some work. After a quick talk with Benedict and the team we each made some notes on the notion of touch – what implications... Read More
Day 00
The Hull Digital Media Labs is a week long residency program with a group of ten chosen artists working alongside one another as part of a commissioning process for a touch screen based art work for the new NHS Hull Wilberforce Health Centre. I was nominated to take part as one of the artists on the residency and will be documenting our findings and work as the week progresses. Day... Read More
Stuart Childs
I like things with wires. Taking / breaking apart, fiddling and tinkering, I’m fascinated by how things work and how they can be made to do other things. Definitely more hardware than software although code is just another puzzle to work out and modify. I am also interested in the social change that new technologies bring about. One particularly poignant example is the introduction... Read More